Office Leasing Tips: The Commercial Lease-Renewal Option
Landlords and commercial leasing agents typically want tenants to sign long-term leases. This type of lease, which may extend over many years, guarantees the landlord a reliable stream of rental income and allows them to avoid the hassle and expense of re-leasing the space. But if your business is growing, the last thing you want to do is lock into a five- or 10-year lease that limits your options. A better alternative is a short-term lease with renewal options.
A renewal clause in a real estate lease allows a tenant to decide whether or not to extend the lease once the initial lease term expires. For example, you could negotiate a two-year lease with four two-year renewal options, rather than a fixed 10-year lease.
Be aware that when you renew the lease after a lease term ends the landlord will try to raise the rent. So make sure discuss this with the landlord and attempt to negotiate a series of predetermined rent increases for each renewal term. Renewal options that allow a landlord to raise rents based on fair-market rates can result in large rent increases — especially if your business operates in a booming area where commercial space is in demand.
Some landlords are reluctant to grant renewal options because it limits their flexibility to market the space to prospective tenants. Others, however, see renewal clauses as a good way to keep a tenant without having to re-negotiate their lease after the original term expires.