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Joshua C. Needs Office Space in Wilmington, NC

Joshua C. is searching for Office Space in Wilmington, NC and is interested in learning about potential locations. This business is looking for space that is < 1,000 sqft

Additional Comments: I represent a consortium of 25 plus years in operation global consultants, security professionals, and geopolitical experts, with plans to expand within the state's sectors and industries. They are moving very fast and will need to firm a contract within the next 2 weeks to 30 days. Our need is for satellite office space. Amenities are at a minimum as it would be for a regional presence of less than 4 or less individuals. Please contact me for a brief call to discuss details and applicable options. Primary regions for a rental space are by counties not cities in NC. The clients would most prefer commercial property in the following counties: Chatham Edgecombe Franklin Granville Greene Johnston Lee Moore Nash Nash Wayne Wilson Blade Brunswick Burgaw Carteret Columbus Craven Jones New Hanover Onslow Camden Chowan Currituck Dare Gates Pasquotank Tyrrell Washington Pamlico

Summary of space requirements:

City: Wilmington, NC
Space Type: Office Space
Size Estimate: < 1,000 sqft
Num Employees: 2-5
Furnished: No