The Day After -- What Now?

Posted by: Zachary W.

On October 18th, 1989, many Bay Area residents woke up and asked themselves "what now?"  Twenty years later, we should all be doing the same thing.  But this time, we're not asking ourselves what to do after a devastating disaster.  We should be asking ourselves about how to prepare for the next one.

The 20th Anniversary of Loma Prieta has come and gone, but our interest in disaster preparedness cannot fade with the last news cycle.  As business owners, we must be prepared for disasters so our businesses do not fail after a disaster. Government scientists say that there the chances of a major Bay Area earthquake during the next 30 years are definitely over 50%.  As I've written before, 25% of small businesses do not reopen after a major disaster.

In difficult economic times, it's hard for business owners to find the time to plan for an event that may or may not happen.  Working to make a disaster plan without experience can also be frustrating.  This is why I've worked with Partners In Continuity to develop Workshops and Seminars to help small businesses create disaster plans.  Our cost effective Workshops and Seminars will help you understand how to efficiently use many of the free resources that are available.  We hope that you'll consider joining us for a Business Continuity and Emergency Planning Workshop or Seminar on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009.  You can read more about our offerings and register online at

Last updated: 10.21.2009 12:31 PM