1522 E 10th St, Jeffersonville, IN 47130

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Building Details:

• Year Built: 1970

1522 E 10th St is located in Jeffersonville, IN.

Located on the main 4 lane highway in Jeffersonville, IN the property is suited for a verity of different businesses. Car sales, leasing and rentals, insurance office, Fast food, restaurant, etc. Presently S and S Brothers Jewelry & Repair. Directions: From I-65 East on E.10th St to Property Brick Veneer A/C:Office Irregular, Level, Sidewalk SeeRemarks Built-Up FreeStanding BldgInsurance, ExtrMaintenance, Ground Maintenance, InterMaintenance, JanitoralService, ComAreaMaintenance, Electric, Gas Carpet, Tile Exist Water; Pesent lease length 5 YRS

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- Jim Baker, agent and Rofo Pro