Building Details:
N4260 Road OK-51 is located in Wagoner, OK.
Two parcels of 26.7+/-ac and 12.8+/-ac 1.5mi west of Hwy 51/Hwy 69 in Wagoner. Both parcels have frontage along Hwy 51. Land is predominantly hay meadow with partial fencing. Conveniently located within minutes of shopping, medical and restaurants in Wagoner. Both parcels provide potential for investors with long-term hold strategies while earning income from hay. Also ideal for ranchettes or as home building sites.
Sells: 9:00 AM CDT Friday, May 6, 2011
Sale Location
1998 W Hwy 51 Wagoner, OK 74467 and On-Line
Open Public Inspection
View at your convenience during daylight hours.
[Dean Williams Re Lic 081045; Williams & Williams W&W Re Lic 080495]
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