Labarre Associates, Inc.
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Showing 41 - 43 of 43 buildings with 3 total listings
O'Neal Lane at Strain Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Suites range from 728 square feet to 328,311 square feet.
Approximately 40,000 SF of vacant land on the very busy O'Neal Lane at Strain Rd. Construction underway to widen O'Neal right in front of the...
2645 O'Neal Ln, Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Suites range from 728 square feet to 328,311 square feet.
Very nice free standing Medical Office for Sale located on O'Neal Lane just south of I-12. Located in American Plaza, this building is peferct...
O'Neal Lane at Bristoe Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Suites range from 728 square feet to 539,664 square feet.
12.389 Acre tract fronting O'Neal Lane. A portion of the property is subject to an existing ground lease with Burger King along with four residential...
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