T3 Advisors
Company Stats:
Properties: 0
Listings: 0
Company Offices:
230 Third Avenue
Waltham, MA 02451
Main Office
137 Forest Ave
Palo Alto, CA 94301
In August 2001 an extraordinary real estate firm was born. A group of experienced real estate professionals asked clients how they viewed their own real estate challenges and how the commercial real estate industry could better help them resolve problems. The answers were stunningly similar and simple: executives wanted a real estate firm that was conflict free; one that did not represent both landlords and tenants. Additionally, they wanted a long term business partner, not just a deal executor, and were looking for much more than just brokerage services. It is out of these needs that T3 began. Since then, we have built a firm that fulfills our clients’ business ideals. Today, T3 has successfully advised over 300 clients on a variety of real estate projects in the U.S. and worldwide.
Company Website: http://www.t3advisors.com/