Multi-Family Space For Sale @ 607 Ouachita 65

607 Ouachita 65, Camden, AR 71701

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Matt K.

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Camden, where history lives is Camden's statement. That statement describes this 1880 house. (138 years old). This property was built in 1880 by Captain John T. Burkett. This L shaped Victorian resident is located in Frenchport and is ornamented by a projecting gable, ornate concrete piers, concrete columns and filigree metal balusters on a wrap around porch. Significant interior details include beaded board, curved corners, transoms over the interior doors, historic staircase and newel past and historic door hinges and knobs. All wrapped with a hitching post and iron fence. Propane pipes ran to all down stair rooms. Some new 220 wiring ran for window heat and air units. New roof in 2017, on the National register, owners letter in the attic, 6 pecan trees, Low utilities. The chimneys were torn down but a buck stove replaced it. Down stairs has 12 foot + ceilings and upstairs the legion is that Captain John T. Burkett integrated his boat into the building of this property for a unique design on the closets and

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $79,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1536421

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Sale Price: $79,000

Type: Multi-Family Space

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