Land Available For Lease @ Kanis And Kaufman

Kanis and Kaufman, Little Rock, AR 72211

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Medical Corridor--plus High Demographic Profile
6 tracts owned by 4 different families or entities: Approximate Tract sizes are:
Tracts 2,3,6= 64,961 sq.ft. for $522,720 ($8/sqft)
Tract 5 = 30,233 sqft for $167,832 ($6/sqft)
Tract 8 = 93218 sqft for $745,747 ($8/sqft)
and Tract 9 = 50,094 sqft for $450,846 ($9/sqft)
Little Rock MSA: #1 of America's Great Places to Live (Kiplinger,) 2nd Most Diverse Regional Economy (Moody's,) 4th Strongest Economy in the Nation (Brookings,) 7th Best Place for Jobs (Forbes,) Top 10 in Projected Hiring (Manpower Outlook Survey,) 2nd Best Bang for the Buck Real Estate Market (Forbes,) and 6th Best Real Estate Market in America (Wall Street Journal) This space offers accomodations for: office.

Pricing: Negotiable

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 3191423

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Rate: Contact for price

Type: Land

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