Land Available For Sale @ 0 Sierra Street

0 Sierra Street, Los Angeles, CA 90032

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Matt K.

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APN#5209-005-006 (13,330 s.f.) has 49.73 feet of road frontage and 268 feet deep. Opportunity to acquire the tranquilpiece of land between Lincoln Heights and Montecito Heights. Private Residential lot on Hillside with a view of MontecitoHeights. This lot is right in the major city of Los Angeles with many beautiful residential houses surrounding it. Manyschools just a few blocks away. Parks, Restaurants, Shops, Malls, Markets, Lincoln Park DMV, etc are also very near by.The Los Angeles region is a terrific place to live, work and raise a family

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $90,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1603053

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Sale Price: $90,000

Type: Land

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