Land Available For Lease @ Lots 1-11 Providence Mine Rd

Lots 1-11 Providence Mine Rd, Nevada City, CA 95959

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Eight light industrial lots available individually, or in bulk at significant discount off per-lot pricing. Parcels range from a half acre to 3.5 acres or can be combined for a contiguous parcel of up to +- 6 acres in size. Lots are ready-to-build and include Development Agreement entitlements (thru 2030!) for 170,000 additional sq. ft. Permitted uses include light assembly/manufacturing/repair (conducted w/i building), R&D, laboratories, office, studios, cabinet shops, etc. Unrivaled park amenities include 20 acres open space, extensive trail network, basketball/bocceball courts, picnic areas, available fiber optic internet service, planned on-site workforce housing -- all within walking distance to the 7-Hills Bus. District - the emerging cultural/social center for Nevada City locals. This space offers accomodations for: industrial.

Pricing: Negotiable

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 3145448

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Rate: Contact for price

Type: Land

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