10,018 Square Foot Office Space For Sale @ 2222 Mustang

2222 Mustang, Silt, CO 81652

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Perfect property for many uses. Let your imagination run wild. Entertainment Gas/Automotive Local Grocer / Farmers market sales location, Income investment, Light Industrial, Medical facility, Office Building with a warehouse,Professional Services, RV Parking and storage facility Tourism industry business such as river rafting,Warehouse distribution center, Other industry uses such as construction, drywall, concrete, road maintenance, plumber, HVAC Carpenter, cabinet maker, drywall installer, Carpet layer, Electrician, Fencer, Insulation Landscaper, Mason, Stonemason, Tile setter, House painter and decorator, Plasterer, Plumber, heating, drainage, fire fighting, Pipe-fitter, Sheet metal worker, Welder and so many more.

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $425,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1549440

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Sale Price: $425,000

Size: 10,018 square feet (is divisible)

Type: Office Space

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