Industrial Space For Sale @ 7430 Redwing Rd

7430 Redwing Rd, Groveland, FL 34736

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Matt K.

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Subject property is located in Groveland, FL with proximity to I-75, I-4, SR 33 and SR

50. Nearby commercial retailers consist of Walmart, BJ’s Wholesale, The Home Depot

and Kohl’s among others. Amenities include 15 paved parking spaces and a secuirty

fence with cameras. Highest and best use would be for an agriculture oriented

business or personal storage. The property formerly had a Conditional Use Permit

(CUP) for light industrial “citrus packing” use for which it was built and utilized.

Industrial use will require a county CUP. The property is zoned Agriculture with a

lease option available (rent to own).

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $429,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1510878

Office space(s): ---

Ceiling height: ---

Column space: ---

Has sprinklers: No

Power: ---

Loading Zone:

Has rail access: No

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Sale Price: $429,000

Type: Industrial Space

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