Land Available For Lease @ 5642 7th St - .96 Acre On Busy 7th St. In Zephyrhills

5642 7th St, Zephyrhills, FL 33542

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Cody B.

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In the heart of the booming city of Zephyrhills, there are nearby facilities include schools, medical facilities, restaurants, and shopping along US 301 just 250 +/- FT from the subject property.​ There is very strong population density within the surrounding area with more than 25,000 people within a 2-mile radius, and dozens of national and local home builders developing new residential communities all around the city.​ This space offers accomodations for: retail.

Pricing: $0.08/sqft

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 3158071

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Rate: $1 per sqft per year

Size: 41,817 square feet

Type: Land

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