30,000 Square Foot Industrial Space For Lease @ 140 Voyles Rd, Suite 200 - 140 Voyles Rd, Suite 200, Athens, Ga

140 Voyles Rd, Suite 200, Athens, GA 30601

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Grant W.

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140 Voyles Road is a 120,000 SF Class "A" industrial facility located in Athena Industrial Park, Athens, Georgia. Built in 2008 by ROOKER as a spec building, this state-of-the-art warehouse features LEED sustainable construction, energy-efficient T-5 lighting and clear story over the staging bay. Utilities providers are: Power - Jackson EMC (1,200 AMP); Gas - customer choice; Water & Sewer - Clarke County. Based on 2018 actual taxes, the taxes are $.43/sf. CAM is $.24/sf. Insurance is $.06/sf. This space offers accomodations for: warehousedistribution.

Pricing: $0.33/sqft

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 2827130

Office space(s): ---

Ceiling height: ---

Column space: ---

Has sprinklers: No

Power: ---

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Has rail access: No

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Rate: $4 per sqft per year

Size: 30,000 square feet

Type: Industrial Space

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