Land Available For Sale @ 2001 Lewis Ave

2001 Lewis Ave, Zion, IL 60099

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Eric J.

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The property consists of three vacant lots located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Lewis Avenue & 21st Street in Zion, Illinois. The three lots are 0.97, 0.87, and 1.83 acres in size for a total of 3.67 acres that can be purchased together or separately.

Zoned LB, Local Business, with approximately 1,250 feet of frontage along Lewis Avenue. Incredible visibility and exposure featuring a signalized intersection. Prime development opportunity directly on Lewis Avenue.

Location Description:
The property is located at the northeast corner of Lewis Avenue & 21st Street in Zion, Illinois. Lewis Avenue is a major N/S thoroughfare that averages 11,000 vehicles per day in front of the subject parcel. The site is located just south of Route 173. Surrounding land uses consist of several residential developments to the east and various commercial uses to the west. The site is also located in close proximity to the Zion Benton Township High School. The property is situated along the northwestern fringe of Zion’s greater downtown area. Great location for new development.

■ Excellent visibility and exposure along Lewis Avenue
■ Surrounded by strong base of residential development and supporting uses
■ Lots can be purchased separately, creating flexibility for buyer
■ Located at corner of signalized intersection

Pricing: $95,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 480030

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Sale Price: $95,000

Size: 159,865 square feet

Type: Land

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