271,814 Square Foot Special Purpose Space For Sale @ 9004 Beulah Church Rd
9004 Beulah Church Rd, Louisville, KY 40291
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Sally A.
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This property consists of 2 parcels known as 9004 Beulah Church Road and 8910 Beulah Church Road. All buildings are located on the 9004 address. It is listed as 5.92 acres per the PVA. The 8910 address is a vacant lot listed as .3272 acres. They are joined at the back right side of 9004. They were purchased, and are currently deeded, separately. The owners prefer to market and sell together at this time.
The property has been operated as a church since the early 1960's. The daycare facilities were added during the 1970 and 1980 decades to meet the needs of the surrounding community. At its peak in the 1980's and 1990's, the daycare facility served approximately 250 pre-school aged children per year. Additions were made to the educational building as needed for this demand. The daycare building has been vacant since October of 2014. Minimal utilities have been left on.
Listing company: Allen Evans Realty
Pricing: Contact for Pricing
Availability: Now
Listing ID: 1060498
Sale Price: $0
Size: 271,814 square feet
Type: Special Purpose Space
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