5,200 Square Foot Office Space For Lease @ 431 Franklin St - Suite 4

431 Franklin St, Rumford, ME 04276

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This medical office is for lease at the Rumford Medical Building, opposite of Rumford Hospital. The space covers the whole second floor with approximately 5200 SF. Current configuration include 10 exam rooms (equipped with sinks), 11 offices, a large waiting area, a reception area, a nurse station, a lab and a staff room. This ADA compliant property is in a great condition, well-maintained and energy efficient. It also has an elevator and plenty of parking. It's a great location for your new practice. This space offers accomodations for: office building.

Pricing: $0.92/sqft

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 3228299

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Rate: $11 per sqft per year

Size: 5,200 square feet

Type: Office Space

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