Land Available For Sale @ 0 Heatherwood Circle Vl

0 Heatherwood Circle VL, Elmira, MI 49735

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Mike S.

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Looking for a beautiful building spot? Do peaceful lake views, a wooded setting, and water access sound right?Check out this parcel that borders the Pencil Lake common area - other residents have access along the shore but seldom use. Property is basically flat from the road to the common area, then there is a decline to the water's edge. Road is paved and county maintained. Lakes of the North amenities including state of the art indoor pool, airport, restaurant, golf course, riding stables and more.... No land contracts.

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $22,500

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1513041

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Sale Price: $22,500

Type: Land

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Mike Schmidt

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