8,594 Square Foot Office Space For Sale @ 4456 Nicollet Ave S

4456 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55419

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Barry B.

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Great small building for an owner/user or redevelopment. Space has multiple entrances, so it is easy to subdivide. The second floor was an apartment that can have its own entrance, so it could be rented separately.

Sales Info:
■ Commision split: 4.0%

Location Description:
Excellent location on the NW corner of E 45th Street and Nicollet. Parking lot for 15 cars in the back. Metro Transit line stop in front of the building. Excellent opportunity for either an owner-user or developer. Flexible zoning accommodates a wide range of retail, commercial and residential uses.

■ Excellent corner lot. Perfect for an owner user or redevelopment
■ Flexible C1-Neighborhood Commercial District
■ First floor space of 3,754 SF
■ Second floor space of 1,290 SF (can be an apartment or extra office space)
■ Basement space of 3,550 SF (not be used for calculating valuation)
■ Freight elevator from loading to basement
■ Multiple entrances, so easy to have additional tenants
■ 16 space parking lot
■ 2015 Real Estate Taxes - $18,641.38
■ Metro Transit line stop in front of the building

Pricing: $535,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 707446

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Sale Price: $535,000

Size: 8,594 square feet

Type: Office Space

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