804 Square Foot Office Space For Lease @ 16721-16759 Main Street - 16753 Main Street

16721-16759 Main Street, Grover, MO 63040

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Tyler H.

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Wildwood Town Center is a master-planned vision focused around the intersection of Routes 100 and 109 in the heart of Wildwood. The Wildwood Town Center allows the City to attract all retail and office users to its downtown area, while preserving the remainder of the community for its large regional parks, trails, schools and residential areas. 50 miles of hiking/biking trails connect Wildwood Town Center to nearby shopping, dining, entertainment, and public institutions. In total, there will be more than 10 new residential subdivisions and 700 new homes under construction in Wildwood Town Center over the next 2-3 years. This space offers accomodations for: office building.

Pricing: $1.67/sqft

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 3195279

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Rate: $20 per sqft per year

Size: 804 square feet

Type: Office Space

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