15,997 Square Foot Retail Space For Sale @ 434 & 436 E Commercial

434 & 436 E Commercial, Springfield, MO 65536

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Tim R.

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Property offered consists of two adjoining brick buildings and a small parcel of land with parking lot.
Located in C-Street Historic District with high redevelopment opportunities.
Commercial Street District zoning allows for a wide mix of property uses.
Several surrounding properties have been renovated to offer retail/office on ground floor with loft style apartments on second level.

Sales Info:
■ Commision split: 2.5%

Location Description:
Located at the corner of Benton on Historic Commercial Street. One block from the Jefferson Ave. foot bridge. Commercial Street has a very diverse mix of office, retail, food, and residential occupants.

■ Priced at only $11.25/SF
■ Located on historic C-Street
■ Less than a block from the Jefferson Ave. footbridge
■ Surrounded by mix of office, retail, restaurant, and residential

Listing company: Sperry Van Ness Commercial Real Estate Advisors

Pricing: $180,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 521234

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Sale Price: $180,000

Size: 15,997 square feet

Type: Retail Space

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