11,189 Square Foot Retail Space For Sale @ 6316 Market St

6316 Market St, Wilmington, NC 28405

Prime corner for re-development. Market Street is scheduled for major overhaul by the NCDOT with a median that will restrict the flow of north south traffic. This is a corner lot and a stop light has been installed that provides for easy four way traffic movement. 2015 Traffic Counts exceed 45,000 cars per day.

DIRECTIONS: From Wilmington go North on HWY 17 (Market St.) center is on the South East corner of the intersection of Green Meadows Drive & Market Street.


TENANT PAYS: Advertising,Cable,Electric,Interior Bldg Mainte,Janitorial Services,Liability Insurance,Pest Control,Sewer,Storm Water Fee,Taxes,Trash RMVL,Water,Yard Maintenance

Listing company: Maus, Warwick, Matthews & Co.

Pricing: Contact for Pricing

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1048224

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Sale Price: $0

Size: 11,189 square feet

Type: Retail Space

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