6,380 Square Foot Office Space For Sale @ 1100 Route 66

1100 Route 66, Moriarty, NM 87035

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Gary B.

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Single tenant governmental office building, 100% leased with 13 years remaining on the lease term. The Lease is a Modified Gross Lease structure.
The State of New Mexico requires one Magistrate Court per County. Torrance Counties Magistrate Court is located at 1100 Route 66 Ave, in Moriarty. NM.
In 2010 and 2011 they’re over $400,000.00 of retrofit, additions, and upgrades completed on the property.

Listing company: Jeff Rose and Associates

Pricing: Contact for Pricing

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 930138

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Sale Price: $0

Size: 6,380 square feet

Type: Office Space

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