Land Available For Sale @ 2924 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy

2924 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37804

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Frank W.

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The Davis Lumber Property at 2924 East Lamar Alexander Parkway. Property includes approximately 17.7 recently survey acres, multiple buildings including the sales office, lumber sheds, and rental homes.
The Davis Lumber Property is approximately .25 mile east of the WALMART PROPERTY and approximately 1 mile west of the Proposed Pellissippi Parkway Extension.
+ In City of Maryville Urban Growth Boundary
+ Blount County ''C'' Commercial Zoning
+ 19,707 2015 Average Daily Traffic Count

Listing company: Realty Executives Associates

Pricing: Contact for Pricing

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1063596

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Sale Price: $0

Size: 771,012 square feet

Type: Land

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