Land Available For Sale @ 1336 Scenic Lakeview Dr

1336 Scenic Lakeview Dr, Spring City, TN 37381

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Matt K.

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This lot sits up off the road and offers a panoramic view of Watts Bar Lake. Gently rolling, mostly cleared, with some mature trees. The subdivision is small, with modern homes and a dead end cul de sac. 3 minutes down the road is Eden Marina. Eden Marina offers a boat launch and covered boat dock rental spaces. Utilities of water and electric are available at the road. The lot has been approved for up to a five bedroom septic. Lot 12 adjacent is also available

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $29,500

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1583109

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Sale Price: $29,500

Size: 67,082 square feet (is divisible)

Type: Land

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