Multi-Family Space For Sale @ 2379 E Ross Allen Lake Ln

2379 E Ross Allen Lake Ln, Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538

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Matt K.

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This is a beautiful 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home that sits on 2.4 acres of land and has 100' of frontage on Ross Allen Lake which is a private lake and has no public access. The home has been updated to give better views of the lake and great sunsets. There is also a hot tub that comes with it for your enjoyment. There's also a backup generator that will run the entire house. Since the home is zoned forestry along with the change in laws, it may be rented out weekly for additional income. Come out and look at it today.

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $279,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1530923

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Sale Price: $279,000

Type: Multi-Family Space

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