Residential Space For Sale @ Lot 8 Muskesin Easement Rd

Lot 8 MUSKESIN EASEMENT RD, Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538

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Matt K.

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An enchanted forest, a three-lake chain, a ten-acre tract of well-wooded land, over 1100 feet of frontage - Its not too good to be true, it really does exist, it deserves your attention NOW before its too late. There is a series of two boardwalks installed that lead to a high point at the waters edge where the dock will be placed. A perfect spot to enjoy the sand rocky frontage of this 269-acre lake that connects to Upper Sugarbush (162 acres) Lower Sugarbush (182 acres) for a combined total of 613 acres of water!! A recreational paradise! Ask about adjoining lots that are also available.

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $89,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1518075

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Sale Price: $89,000

Type: Residential Space

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