Office Space For Sale @ 7485 Us Highway 51 S

7485 US Highway 51 S, Minocqua, WI 54548

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Matt K.

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Parcels of this size located on Highway 51 are rare to impossible to find. With 9 acres and two highway entrances, this is a commercial property which would lend itself to almost any application. It is located close to town on the South side making it an ideal and visible location. There are currently a home and 2 additional garages located on the property which could either be removed or used depending on the usage. These buildings currently help subsidize holding costs. If you need a commercial location of significant size, this would be the spot.

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $488,700

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 2076515

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Sale Price: $488,700

Type: Office Space

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