Multi-Family Space For Sale @ 1108 Prospect St

1108 Prospect St, Neillsville, WI 54456

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Matt K.

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The only thing this two bedroom up and down duplex needs is a new owner! Live in one, and rent the other out, or rent them both out to produce income. The house is move-in ready, and has a nicely sized backyard for kids and pets to play. It also includes a terrific new garage and workshop, with a metal roof and sidewalls, six inch framed walls and concrete floors. It has power to it, and the workshop is insulated and sheet rocked. Take a little time to check this one out before its gone!

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $110,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 2080062

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Sale Price: $110,000

Type: Multi-Family Space

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