Residential Space For Sale @ 11812 Old 8 Dr

11812 Old 8 Dr, Tomahawk, WI 54487

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This property features 4 parcels with beautiful hardwoods that make up 158.15 acres in the town of Little Rice. A trout stream called Johnson Creek runs through the south western parcel. On the eastern-most parcel sits a 38x36 rough lumber barn with a metal roof, overhang, and loft area for sleeping as well as a rustic cabin. A Ford Jubilee tractor and Honda ATV are in the barn and come with the property if wanted. One acre is zoned residential. The rest of the land is forest lands and undeveloped.

Listing company: CBC Corporate

Pricing: $274,000

Availability: Now

Listing ID: 1609461

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Sale Price: $274,000

Type: Residential Space

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