Jana Gluckman, Vice President

My Stats:

Projects: 4

Following: 1 person

Adam Sass

About me: 20 + Years experience in Commercial Property Leasing and Sales in
Silicon Valley. My strengths are: 1. Working with start up companies in finding buildings which meet their needs, in which to grow & stay
within their budget. 2. Product knowledge: knowing where the best deals can be found! Here is an interview with a tenant I met through Rofo and helped to lease space: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pCA2swnsjo&feature=plcp&context=C3ddf7eaUDOEgsToPDskJOkzLMGqCBFSt5176f4_wN

License #: 00693034

Home City: San Jose, CA

Company Profile: https://www.rofo.com/commercial-real-estate/company/Ritchie-Commercial/12